31 de dez. de 2019

Chegada na corrida de São Silvestre

A São Silvestre de 2019 teve uma das chegadas mais emocionantes da história.
A vitória da prova masculina foi definida no último passo, a centímetros da
linha de chegada.
O queniano Kibiwott Kandie iniciou uma arrancada nos metros finais e superou
Jacob Kiplimo, de Uganda, que dominou a prova e controlava o ritmo quando
foi surpreendido pelo forte ritmo do concorrente no instante final.

Entre as mulheres, a vencedora foi a a queniana Brigid Kosgei, que venceu
a prova pela primeira vez.
Ela completou o percurso em 42,195 km.

Kibiwott Kandie e Brigid Kosgei !!!

1 comentários.:

Unknown disse...

Did you know there's a 12 word phrase you can tell your man... that will induce intense feelings of love and impulsive attractiveness to you deep within his chest?

That's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, please and care for you with all his heart...

===> 12 Words Will Trigger A Man's Love Response

This impulse is so hardwired into a man's brain that it will drive him to try better than before to to be the best lover he can be.

Matter of fact, triggering this all-powerful impulse is so binding to getting the best possible relationship with your man that as soon as you send your man a "Secret Signal"...

...You will immediately notice him expose his soul and heart to you in a way he haven't experienced before and he'll identify you as the only woman in the world who has ever truly attracted him.

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